Online Database by Felix AeppliPh.D. & Expert on Contemporary Artistic Media, CH-8055 Zurich / Switzerland NOTES: Site Closed;
Group Catalogue
Ron Wood *
Indexes & Credits
Tours & Studios *** |
Songs *** |
Looking For Something Specific (Venue, Musician, Performed Song, TV Show etc.)?
Felix Aeppli lecturing at the Sozialarchiv Zurich, June 11, 2022
screenshot Walter Huss)
The Archive
Heart Of Stone 1985 Book (Deleted)
The Ultimate Guide 1996 Book (Deleted)
Todas las huellas de los Stones 2012 Website (in Spanish)
Der Soundtrack einer Generation 2012 NZZ Fokus (in German)
The Rolling Stones' Rarest Records 2012 Book Contribution
Physical Discs: 3000+ Deposits at the Soziarachiv Zürich
Felix Aeppli's Rolling Stones Collection at the Sozialarchiv Zurich (late 2022)
Felix Aeppli between "The Last Time" and "Satisfaction", Spring 1965
The 2003 Book on CD-ROM
Samples and Ordering Info (only 54 Copies Left - Signed upon Request)
Felix Aeppli
"Karussell", Swiss TV 1985 (8 Minutes, in Swiss German)
Online Article plus Video 2012 (3 Minutes, in Swiss German)
"Quotidiano - Turne", Swiss TV 2023 (4 Minutes, in German, Italian Voice-over) **
Rolling Stones Research
Ian McPherson’s Stonesvaganza - Chronicles & Discography
Stonesvaganza Songs A-L Songs M-Z
The Rolling Stones on DVD (1963-2013)
Stonesvaganza Musicians A-D Musicians E-K Musicians L-Q Musicians R-Z
Latest News
Sympathy For The Devils (French)
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